
What can I do with a CAVA Qualification? Trusted Site
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Posted by: CTC Training

The Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA) is the most popular assessor qualification, largely because it allows you to do the most with your qualification. If you’re interested in broadening your horizons with an assessor qualification, the CAVA may be the best choice for you.

What can I do with a CAVA qualification?

Find out what you can do with a CAVA qualification in this month’s article.

What is the CAVA qualification?

The CAVA qualification is the most comprehensive assessor qualification. It teaches holders how to monitor and assess the vocational skills of a learner. 

The CAVA is a competency-based qualification that requires you to provide real assessment evidence taken from work you have completed with real learners. You’ll be introduced to the various assessment methods and evidence materials, including portfolios, direct observation, witness testimony and more.

The assessor’s role is to guide and support learners through their qualification, plus gather evidence and perform assessments.

You can earn between £18,000-£30,000 as a full-time NVQ assessor.

Where can I assess with a CAVA qualification?

The CAVA qualification allows you to assess learners in their place of work or in a learning environment, such as a classroom. This is in contrast to the other two assessor qualifications, which only permit you to assess learners in either their place of work or in a learning environment. The CAVA is the only assessor qualification that permits you to do both.

What vocations can I assess with a CAVA qualification?

There are no restrictions to the type of vocation you can assess. All that is required for you to assess a vocation is for you to have a suitable assessor qualification and relevant experience in that area. You can assess learners attempting a diploma, RQF, NVQ or apprenticeship.

What will a CAVA qualification allow me to do?

Once you’ve completed your course and have gained related occupational competence, you’ll be qualified to perform assessments for learners aiming to complete a diploma, RQF, NVQ or apprenticeship.

Can my qualification help me transition into other roles?

The CAVA qualification teaches you many valuable skills that will be useful for other positions. Your CAVA qualification will open up new doors to other roles outside of assessing.

With CTC Training, you can earn your CAVA qualification from anywhere in the world on a schedule that suits you. Thanks to our distanced online learning courses, we make it easier than ever to get your qualification. Simply enrol on a course and you’ll gain access to our 24/7 student portal, where you can access course content and upload assessments at your convenience. You’ll also be assigned a named tutor who will offer help and advice throughout the duration of your course should you need it.

Unlock your potential and see where a CAVA qualification can take you. Enrol today through our website or contact our team for more information.

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CTC Training provides professional development and education courses for businesses and individual learners. They are market leaders in online learning. CTC Training's wide range of courses offer valuable qualifications in areas such as education, assessment and vocational training.

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