
How to Advance Your Career in Further Education Trusted Site
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Posted by: CTC Training

Securing a role in further education is a superb achievement — but it doesn’t need to be your final stop. One of the best things about further education is that there are many ways to advance your career, opening up new roles, opportunities, skills and salaries. 

How to advance your career in further education

So why stop here? Discover how you can advance your career in further education in this month’s article.

What roles can I progress into?

If you are just starting your journey into further education, you’ll likely start out as an associate teacher. This is someone who has experience and skills in the subject they are teaching but not all the necessary qualifications. Over time, you’ll have the opportunity to earn these qualifications and become a fully qualified further education teacher. Depending on your current level, you may need to earn the Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training (CET), Level 5 Diploma in Teaching (DIT) or apply for QTS. From there, you’ll be able to climb up the ranks of teaching. This may mean progressing into departmental team leader, head of subject or head of department roles.

When they hear ‘further education’, most people’s minds turn to teaching, but further education comprises various roles, including lecturing, tutoring and even coaching. Advancing your role in further education may mean developing your skills in new areas and taking on new responsibilities as a result. This might mean getting involved in coaching courses or supporting other teaching staff through their own development. It could mean becoming a specialist tutor that helps those with special needs. There are many opportunities to explore beyond just teaching, and many of them will equip you with skills that will elevate you as a teacher, too.

Enhancing your CV

A common reason for taking on new responsibilities is the boost it gives to your CV. Showcasing various roles and skills will increase your job prospects and open up doors to new opportunities in the future.

However, if you wish to advance your career, you may also need to apply for new roles, and this may entail tweaking your CV. There are a number of ways you can format your CV to give yourself the best chance of getting hired. Check out all our tips in our CV article.

Where to look for your next role

The further education sector is large, and it comprises a wide range of jobs and settings. To find new roles in further education, check out the following:

  • Online job sites
  • Company websites
  • Social networks
  • Discussion forums
  • Recruitment agencies
  • Print advertisements

Find out more about securing a role in further education.

Becoming an assessor

One path you may wish to take is to become an assessor. The assessor role is suitable for anyone with experience supporting others and with previous experience in the vocation that they wish to assess. Becoming an assessor is a common path for teachers because it builds on many of the skills learnt in the teaching role.

Check out our guide to becoming an assessor to find out more.

Whether you’re looking to get your foot in the door of a further education career, or you’ve been in a role for many years and are looking for something new, CTC can help you reach your goals. We offer a range of teacher training and assessor courses that can be completed at your own pace. Simply enrol on a course and you’ll gain access to our 24/7 student portal, where you can view course content and upload assessments on a schedule that suits you. Plus, you’ll be assigned a named tutor who will help you along the way. All this for a low price — and no hidden fees. Guaranteed.

Unlock your potential today. Enrol on a course or contact our team for more information.

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About CTC Training

CTC Training provides professional development and education courses for businesses and individual learners. They are market leaders in online learning. CTC Training's wide range of courses offer valuable qualifications in areas such as education, assessment and vocational training.

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